Veterans Art Exploration
Attention all Veterans!
The Lahaina Arts Guild has begun a new Veterans Art Exploration Program for veterans! Would you like to try your hand at ART? Would you be interested in trying drawing, painting in oil, acrylic, oil pastels, watercolor, photography or even jewelry making?
Art in any form is not only fun, it can also be extremely rewarding and a wonderful stress reliever. One of our vets, who was homeless and literally at the end of his rope, took up painting portraits of the dogs of fellow service members. His therapeutic artwork has given him a new life!
He has famously said, “I feel at peace… Just because you have a disability doesn’t mean you can’t find ability.”
We are planning free classes in Lahaina as well as in Kihei, Wailuku, and Kahului. Should you try and find the classes rewarding, and you wish to pursue your artistic expression, we may even be able to help you market your art in our Old Lahaina Courthouse galleries. To sign up or for more information, fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly!
"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world. A veteran doesn't have that problem."
- Ronald Reagan